The current and voltage response of surge discharge circuit to impulse flashover voltage test system is analyzed. 对电力电缆故障冲击高压闪络测试(简称冲闪测试)系统的放电响应进行了研究。
Fifty percent impulse flashover voltage 百分之五十脉冲闪络电压
Salt-water fog also cause an increase of impulse flashover voltage but a slight decrease of AC flashover voltage. 盐雾对冲击放电电压也有提高,但却使交流放电电压有所降低;
Stuby on the Effects of the Humidity on Lightering Impulse Flashover Voltage in Plateau as well as in Plain Areas 自然湿度对高原地区雷电冲击放电电压的影响与平原地区的差别和它们之间等价关系的研究
The correction method of switching impulse flashover voltage under high altitude was discussed and the altitude correction coefficient was given. 讨论不同海拔高度下操作冲击放电电压的校正方法,并给出海拔校正系数;
The results show that the relationship between impulse flashover voltage and humidity is coincided with the current IEC standard for support insulators, however a just opposite tendency was found when impulse flashover occurred along bushing surfaces. 研究结果表明,对于支柱绝缘子,其冲击闪络电压与湿度之间的关系基本符合现行IEC标准。但对于套管,其冲击闪络电压与湿度之间的关系与现行IEC标准完全相反,大致成镜像关系。
Little aging has less influence on the dry flashover and impulse flashover voltage of composite insulators. 轻微老化对绝缘子的工频干闪、冲击闪络电压影响不大。